Leading causes of High Water Bill

No one likes to overpay and why should you? Sometimes there is a big surprise when you open up your water bill and you are shocked by it's high amount. So what is the problem? Is it the creeping water rates that keep going up? Or is it a problem with your plumbing system that's causing significant water waste? Well here are few tips on how to lower your bill and some clarification what may be causing that nasty high water bill.


1. Shower over Bathtub

Everyone likes a nice relaxing bubble bath, but it's a expensive luxury if you think about it. An average North American bathtub requires around 270 liters of water (70 gallons), and that is just one bathtub relaxation session. If you take a bathtub everyday you are looking into high water usage. An average shower session of say about 5 minutes uses around 56 to 96 liters of water (15 to 25 gallons), as you can see that is a pretty big saving and if you consider that most water bills are billed every 3 months you save a good amounts of money by taking a shower and preferably taking the shower on the shorter side for most efficient water use and savings.


2. Dishwasher the smart investment

You might have to pay few dollars extra here and there but we recommend the usage of a dishwasher. Why you may ask? Well it's quite simple, dishwasher does not use as much water as washing all dishes by hand add's up to. To wash dishes by hand you have a sink of warm water with some dishwashing detergent and you still have to rinse the dishes from the chemicals so you will always have free running water. Dishwasher will wash a big load of your dishes for the fraction of the water you will use by washing the dishes by hand. Sure there is the extra electricity cost, and that is why we recommend you run your dishwasher after off-peak hours for greater savings on electricity and water. 


3. Low Flush, High-Efficiency Toilet

Low-flush-Toilets or High-Efficiently-Toilets are specially designed toilets that do the job with as little water as possible. And if you don't have one of this you may be using more water per flush then you know off. Most people have non-efficient toilets that use up anywhere between 13 to 26 liters of water (3.5 to 7 gallons). Now high-efficiency toilets use anywhere between 4.5 to 6 liters of water (1.2 to 1.6 gallons). As you can see that is two times less water use than conventional toilets. 


4. Leaks, Leaks, Leaks, yep Leaks

Leaks are number one problem for high water bills, you may have a leaking faucet or a faulty pipe in your house that's dripping water 24 hours, 7 days a week for whole 365 days of the year and man-oh-man this adds up. What is best you can do? We'll inspect your faucet, toilet, shower and everything else for any visible signs of leaks or drips. If that does not help then you have to call in a plumbing professional who will search your house with special tools to determine the source of water loss. But before you call the plumber do this very simple test. Open all faucets to run, then locate your water shut off valve (often in basement) and shut off the water to the whole house, the water will stop and you will no longer have any water coming from faucets and others. Ones you no longer hear water take a look at your water meter, if your water meter is still spinning you most likely have a leakage somewhere. If that's the case we advise you call a plumber to get it looked into as soon as possible to prevent any water damage if the leak is behind a wall for example.



We are here to help and if your water bill is concerning you we advise that you contact us and have one of our qualified staff come out and help you. Feel free to call us at 905-499-0888, and rest assured at The Toronto Plumber .CA we take our jobs with all seriousness and professionalism just like we would if it was our own home or family in need of help. 

We're ready to assist you in any way,  905-499-0888 with your drain and plumbing needs!